CogSmart BIPROGY’s business development project “DiCE” adopts a business concept with CogSmart, Asahi Life Insurance, and Fove BIPROGY 2023.10.20
QSimulate Google Quantum AI Sees Quantum As Engine To Power Deep Tech Use Cases THE QUANTUM INSIDER 2023.10.17
TigerGraph Supercharge Graph Analytics at Scale with GPU-CPU Fusion for 100x Performance NVIDIA 2023.10.13
Ubitus Ubitus utilizes the strength of computing power to bring innovative AI technology and audiovisual media solutions AsiaOne 2023.10.12
Launchable Event report “Launchable x MagicPod – The forefront of efficient software test development using AI!” MagicPod 2023.10.11
MeruHealth Meru Health’s latest study reveals significant impact in suicide prevention MORNINGSTAR 2023.10.10
Vui Vui App: Vietnam’s financial-welfare solution researched by the Singapore Government Investment Fund The Saigon Times 2023.09.28
cytovale IntelliSep Sepsis Test Could Save Money and Patient Lives INSIDE PRECISION MEDICINE 2023.09.27
memComputing MemComputing claims Breakthrough in Large-Scale Prime Factorization, Potentially Revolutionising Cryptography. QUANTUM ZEITGEIST 2023.09.23
ImageBiopsy Lab ConcertAI’s TeraRecon Partners with ImageBiopsy Lab to Bring Cutting-Edge Musculoskeletal solutions to the Eureka Clinical AI Platform PR Newswire 2023.09.13
QSimulate QSimulate, quantum theory utilization software, supports the search for new drug candidates Nikkei Newspaper 2023.09.04
Cross Sync CROSS SYNC, disease severity assessment AI startup, reaches 510 million yen in Series A2 funding AI Market 2023.09.01