Drivezy Bengaluru-based Drivezy launches franchise after gaining GVM over $4 million The Indian Wire 2019.07.18
Beddr Beddr Expands Role of Boarded Sleep Specialists on Its Team to Accelerate Development of Digital Sleep Health Platform Sleep Review 2019.06.26
Mubert EVERYTHING FROM APPLE’S WWDC: Arielle recommends the Mubert generative music app. WIRED 2019.06.07
MeruHealth Meru Health and MINES & Associates Announce Collaboration for Improved Mental Health Care Access PR Newswire 2019.06.06
GBS バイエルン創設者賞2019 – カテゴリー「スタートアップ」の勝者: German Bionic Systems YouTube: Sparkassenverband Bayern (バイエルン貯蓄銀行協会) 2019.06.05
IT-Farm IT-Farm speaks at ExA NEXT Summit 2019, focusing on Euro+Asia tech innovations in Robotics,Mobility and AI ExA NEXT Summit 2019.05.23
Zendrive Zendrive CEO interview: Texting while driving is more dangerous than drunk driving Fox Business 2019.04.09
MeruHealth Meru says digital health app can help prevent physician suicide Healthcare IT News 2019.04.01
MeruHealth Stanford, VA Palo Alto Health Care System launch trial of digital depression therapy program from Meru Health mobihealthnews 2019.01.24
3D Control Systems Robo to Integrate 3DPrinterOS Software So Educators Can Easily Adopt 3D Printing in the Classroom 2019.01.17